Monday, October 6, 2008


I am really quite disturbed at the Nazi-esque mindless mantras about Obama recently, some even praying to him, or at least placing him in a Messiah-type framework. See for yourself and decide. And no, I am not calling Obama the anti-Christ. I am simply saying Americans are becoming very susceptible to this kind of propaganda. And putting a man up that high has never in the history of the world been a good thing. To make myself clear, Christ is the only Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, being very God of very God. He is the only One worthy of all our praise. We should never put any created thing, including any man or woman in His place. Wake up people!!

I think a couple are meant to be humerous, but lyrics are included for a few that were not. Note the militant chant at a SCHOOL by some young men touting "Alpha Omega". That's one reason why I homeschool folks.

And last but not least....Obama's celebrity church, singing their prayer to Obama.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw that commercial too and found it quite... disturbing? I really don't understand why people are falling for his garbage? I don't see anything that's very appealing, except the fact that he would be the first black president- which would make history. Other than that, there's NOTHING appealing about what he has to offer or who he is. Not like I feel McCain is awesome, but I definitely wouldn't feel good about voting for Obama. I'm not an Obama mama!