Monday, October 20, 2008

Gayle the Greater Glory of God

I read a news report this morning of a 34 year old Christian aid worker in Afghanistan being killed for "spreading her religion". She was targeted by men full of hate for the witness she bore and the glory it gave God. Let us pray for her family in this time, and that her death may lead to many coming to the cross in that region because of the power of Christ in her.

Gayle Williams martyr

Love in Christ

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Reformation...our great heritage

For those of you who aren't familiar with what all this Reformation stuff is...the video below is an overview. I notice so many of my friends on myspace who by their religion put "Christian other" when they are members of Protestant churches. Nothing bad about it, but I think it is so important to remember the history of the church, and those who have given their lives in devotion to the truth and purity of the gospel. We take it so for granted in our day, and I feel it is not a good thing to remove ourselves from the Christians of the past. I think that because we have forgotten where we come from, we have more allowed false teaching and world views into our lives and our churches.

Love in Christ

Monday, October 6, 2008


I am really quite disturbed at the Nazi-esque mindless mantras about Obama recently, some even praying to him, or at least placing him in a Messiah-type framework. See for yourself and decide. And no, I am not calling Obama the anti-Christ. I am simply saying Americans are becoming very susceptible to this kind of propaganda. And putting a man up that high has never in the history of the world been a good thing. To make myself clear, Christ is the only Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, being very God of very God. He is the only One worthy of all our praise. We should never put any created thing, including any man or woman in His place. Wake up people!!

I think a couple are meant to be humerous, but lyrics are included for a few that were not. Note the militant chant at a SCHOOL by some young men touting "Alpha Omega". That's one reason why I homeschool folks.

And last but not least....Obama's celebrity church, singing their prayer to Obama.

October is Protestant Reformation Month!!

What does that mean? That means we celebrate and remember those who stood firm under great persecution to preserve and spread the Holy Scriptures....those who stood up to tyranny and gave their lives in many cases to see the work of Christ continue to us.
Semper Reformanda!!!

Here is a video on why the Reformation and its teachings are important.